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You can add some extra words to the dictionary both at the special menu Element and using the pop-up prompts while writing.

Within the framework of the regular working hours of the Grünanlage attendants and rein the Grünanlage(T)Gemach Cafés the topic of "Getting together" of park users and neighbouring residents was focussed on.

The children then dribble the ball to one side of the pitch or the other, depending whether they answer yes or no.

I appoint my students and collaborators listed below as my only heirs, in equal portions, with the express condition that their portion of the inheritance is to be used not for Persönlich use, but solely for the purposes of sexology in accordance with my sexological ideas, work and endeavors:

Stoner's love of the Sportart welches made even clearer upon his retirement – in his final race at Valencia hinein 2012 the Australian had a patch stitched onto his leathers that read ‘Gone Fishin’ when caught by the on-board bike camera.

oder od Gespenst anstrengen to use one’s brains (or

kann ich heute Abend dein Auto haben? can I use your car tonight? may I use your name? darf ich mich auf Sie berufen? may I use your name? to be used herhalten müssen to be used I could use a drink familiar, informal


gebrauchen, tragen use garment use garment handhaben, gebrauchen use handle use handle Beispiele

For this reason, hinein 2012 the LG ICT Network launched a model eParticipation project together with a number of selected local authorities.

, which welches presided over by the pontiff and used to meet hinein this room around the middle of the 16th century.

Methods and instruments for optimising the value chains of different sustainably produced products such as Brazil nuts, caoutchouc and the moriche palm, as well as copaiba and andiroba oils, have been tested.

Strong complimentary traditions have made it the most important reference publisher hinein Spain with the most extensive dictionary lists get more info available rein the Spanish language.

Since this participle form is only used in certain words, you can generally find its forms hinein the dictionary.

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